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ThePakPolitics • Gender Segregation : LADIES FORUM
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Gender Segregation

Gents may post their comments provided Respect and Decency is observed.
Unread post Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:16 pm
LifeH2O User avatar
Most Senior Member

Is it really a bad idea to have women only markets, parks? What about work places and education centers? Is gender segregation/desegregation only imposed by the society.

I think this is natural and practiced even by secular societies.
Greed, the root of all curse, root of all evil.

Unread post Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:58 pm
semirza User avatar
Senior Member

Yes, segregation as a rule comes in quite handy with advantages BUT this should not be adopted and imposed on our societies like a dreaded Talibani style of coexistence wherever they did imposed such animalistic behavior.

Mina Bazars had been and have been successful since they were introduced by the Mughals and are even in much recent times....provided mischievous male gender is banished to enter such events; effectively keeping it out where ever
our mothers, sisters, daughters, wife/wives, female inlaws are having a social interaction such as a meena bazar etc....

Unread post Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:56 pm
When making services gender specific, the important question we need to ask is why that may be necessary in each case. There are a couple of fundamental points, in my opinion, that you need to consider before introducing (notice I do not use the term imposing) gender specific services. The gender specific service must only be provided at the request of those who are direct users of the service and it should (in most cases) make practical and commercial sense to do so. It is a well- known fact that girls do better educationally in single-sex schools so it makes sense to have such schools available for those who wish to take advantage of them. You will perhaps recall that in the first term of Benazir as the PM, she introduced women only banks and women’s police stations; to me both of these steps were retrograde and hugely counterproductive by causing further segregation in an already segregated society at the time. Instead of making banking staff and police more inclusive, better trained and better equipped to handle all types of clients, Benazir’s flagship moves provided a fantastic reason for these two services to remain male dominated where women had little respect or representation both as users of services and providers. In effect women were turned into some kind of lepers who were not permitted to use ordinary civil services.

Gender relationships improve not through segregation but through inclusion. Men and women cannot learn to respect each other and relate to each other if they shop study and bank in gender-specific spaces. I find the argument untenable that segregation may be necessary to protect the modesty and honour of women. It is not hard to honour and protect women; all you need to do is to treat them like humans who have the same right to use civil services and commercial services as any man, without being subjected to improper attention and sexual harassment. The fact that women are often harassed in a mixed gender environment and the blame is usually laid on them for the improper behaviour of men, is quite simply indicative of the hypocrisy, denial and lies that govern our lives today. You can only fix a problem if you know where the problem is.

As a general principle for me, segregation is bad idea especially where it is imposed through law, threats or coercion or by simply not providing an alternative choice.

Unread post Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:22 pm
aftab Most Senior Member

If gender segregation is just limited to Bazaars i would support something like that, but to do it in every sector would be difficult to manage. The parks are already in limited supply and too cut-off half the population from going there would be harsh in my opinion.
Full Solidarity With The Muslim Brotherhood

Unread post Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:46 pm
aftab Most Senior Member

Pakistan's first women-only park opens in Lahore


There you have it...exactly what i did not want to happen!
Full Solidarity With The Muslim Brotherhood

Unread post Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:05 pm

I concur with your view; the opening of a women only park is a hugely retrograde step and the morons at the helm are unable to understand that for Pakistan to progress, we need to have representation and integration of women in all normal aspects our our civil and national life. The fact that a women only park has to be opened is a act of surrender and it represents failure on part of our politicians to tackle the serious issues that surround our treatment of women especially those that come out of their house to conduct normal business of life. I guess it is too much to ask our politician to act in a courageous and honest manner and do the right thing even if it is unpopular with a certain section of society.

Unread post Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:54 pm
aftab Most Senior Member

@ ST Sahib

My position is the same as my earlier posts, as the male sex should not be cut-off from parks because there are in such short supply. Our cities are becoming or have become large concrete jungles and recreational spaces being eaten up by land developers.

I don't subscribe too one size fits all policy and having a certain Bazaar just for women would be ok, because they are plentiful and this in my opinion could be easily accommodated, but i certainly agree women need to be represented more in every aspect of our countries future.

The real issue i think is one of policing, with to many cases the law is on the side of the men, which in my opinion needs balancing out. Steps should be taken where more women are inducted into the police force and also stronger laws are formed protecting against harassment of women.
Full Solidarity With The Muslim Brotherhood

Unread post Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:43 pm
Aftab Sahib,

You write;

"stronger laws are formed protecting against harassment of women."

I am mildly bemused by this because Pakistan's problems has never been the laws but our inability to jail all the boys and girls that have blue blood running in their veins. In short we find it hard find the culpable even when there is no way of avoiding it; I think you get my drift. Pakistan needs a first class justice system before it can begin it's journey on the first class road to a first class future where both genders are treated with respect and fairness. Pakistan does not need to treat women differently, it needs to treat them fairly - this is a point that is lost on almost all Pakistanis. To rewrite a great quote from Shakespeare;

'Frailty, thy name is woman and man.'

You also write;

"Our cities are becoming or have become large concrete jungles and recreational spaces being eaten up by land developers. "

The consequences of this will be evident when we all begin to loose our mind in the noise and pollution of the concrete jungles what we are sowing at an astonishing rate. We will be bereft of inner and out peace and that will be the day that we will miss the colour green. Greed is, as H2O Sahib rightly say, the root of all evils.

Unread post Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:13 pm
aftab Most Senior Member

ST Sahib,

"I am mildly bemused by this because Pakistan's problems has never been the laws but our inability to jail all the boys and girls that have blue blood running in their veins."

I concede that point!
Full Solidarity With The Muslim Brotherhood

Unread post Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:04 pm
sarizvi21984 Member

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Location: Rawalpindi

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