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ThePakPolitics A leading World Political Forum- ThePakPolitics.com International Politics Forum in PK Politics, Pakistan 2016-11-21T07:36:52+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/feed.php?f=18 2016-11-21T07:36:52+03:00 2016-11-21T07:36:52+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10426#p10426 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]>
Something wrong with our hearts, minds and memories in our beloved Pakistan.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:36 am

2016-11-19T23:51:54+03:00 2016-11-19T23:51:54+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10422#p10422 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]>
Justice delayed is justice denied.

Statistics: Posted by Musician — Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:51 pm

2016-08-04T09:39:03+03:00 2016-08-04T09:39:03+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10369#p10369 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]> Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:39 am

2016-08-02T05:24:14+03:00 2016-08-02T05:24:14+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10368#p10368 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]>
Your Quote.." the ace in the pack is held by Tahir-u-Quadri and PAT. " end of quote

The key is to PLAY the GAME............not the CARDS that you hold as TUQ has been holding the same cards last 2 times also and I might quote a friend of mine who said and I quote....

" the elephant will FART and blow the whole thing down..........but when the time came...this same elephant did not not even pass a PIP SQUEEK ! "

I have always been suspicious of men wearing strange HATS and so I am not too impressed with TUQ and his ZOMBIES.

I shall repeat the word that always comes to mind when I hear of TUQ......BOGUS !

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:24 am

2016-08-01T11:46:22+03:00 2016-08-01T11:46:22+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10367#p10367 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]>
We must make the most of what we have in hand: split the middle class in two which has already been achieved, thank you God. Soon we'll be able to assess the street power PTI commands. And we'll take if from there.

Also, never lose sight of the fact that the ace in the pack is held by Tahir-u-Quadri and PAT. That one will trump over any card NS & Co may place on the table.

A little more patience and the darkness will be finally lifted and Pak will bathe in the sunshine of revival.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:46 am

2016-07-28T20:30:36+03:00 2016-07-28T20:30:36+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10366#p10366 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]>
My suggestion is that it is no longer a question of leadership or the system but the fact that we, the people are part of the problem. It is for us to do something because there will be no more Jinnah or Iqbal as far as I can tell.

People must understand that our past, present and future cannot be blamed on any body except us. Our past mirrors our present; the future depends on how much responsibility we are prepared to take for our screw ups.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:30 pm

2016-07-28T14:40:27+03:00 2016-07-28T14:40:27+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10365#p10365 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Revolutionary Evolution]]>
There are today PIGS who live in this world.

In the West they are being used as MEAT making machines which convert anything edible for them in Hog Confinement operations.

To expect that these PIGS will somehow become Einstein in the next Million years through Evolution WITHOUT...Any change in the Hog Confinement.............well it might be an imaginative illusion.

And pray tell me who will Liberate these Piggies

You might say that the metaphor of Pigs and Hog Confinement does not apply to Pakistan ?

But it does too.

More later

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:40 pm

2016-07-27T16:26:10+03:00 2016-07-27T16:26:10+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2490&p=10364#p10364 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Revolutionary Evolution]]>
There are many people I admire from Pakistan's pre-independence history; Jinnah and Iqbal make it to my top ten list with flying colours; my reason for doing so has something to do with how their thinking evolved over a fraction of their lifetime and the result was quite revolutionary; Pakistan - an independent country described by Jinnah as a place where;

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.”

Pakistan was created, at least in Jinnah's mind, when his political thinking had evolved sufficiently and his ideas about what was possible and not possible had changed. In his own words;

"Any idea of a United India could never have worked and in my judgement it would have led us to terrific disaster."

The question whether the creation of India and Pakistan has turned out to be a 'terrific disaster' or not is a different discussion but the point I am trying to make is about the evolution of his thinking processes and the thoughts that consequently resulted from it. It would be fair to say Jinnah was in pursuit of peace and well-being for all who were to one day call themselves Pakistanis, irrespective of religion, caste or creed. British rulers of India vacillated between hostility and ambivalence in their dealings Jinnah and his ideas but a large number Muslims living in India got on board with his mission because they saw him as trustworthy, intelligent and extremely hardworking.

Iqbal's journey began with Shikwa (complaint) and Jawab-Sikhwa (response to complaint) and over the years his thinking evolved after going through Asrar-e-Khudi (secrets of self or secrets of self realisation) and through various trials and tribulations, through battles with self, with politicians, with thinkers and with mullahs - to eventually arrive at the pinnacle of actionable clarity in 1930 when he made his famous Allahabad address in which he said much but I quote a brief sentence from it;

"A community which is inspired by feelings of ill-will towards other communities is low and ignoble. I entertain the highest respect for the customs, laws, religious and social institutions of other communities."

Once again, like Jinnah, we see Iqbal - a highly educated, writer, poet, thinker and dissenter - learning political and social lessons over decades and then coming to logical conclusions about the way forward for Indian Muslims. People loved Iqbal, hated Iqbal and many did not understand Iqbal but one thing is clear, they respected his sincerity, integrity and his wisdom as a scholar. In 1930, British India had sufficient systemic viscosity to make progress towards a 'two nation' solution very difficult indeed but over time such resistance diluted as Britain diverted its attention towards what was going on in Germany.

Jinnah and Iqbal both came to realise they wanted a country where everyone had the freedom to pursue their dreams and prosper. They envisaged a country where people will not be shackled by their religion or social class. They wanted a place where hard work, honesty, education and merit mattered for all. To achieve this we, the post 1947 generations had to learn lessons, evolve and become better leaders and followers.

So I return to the Pakistan of today and to my original question; how much has our mindset and thinking changed over the last 69 years? Jinnah and Iqbal were no corrupt factories-owning businessmen 'leaders' motivated by the lure of money, power and fame; they were in it for service to people who wanted change. Ruling Pakistan over the last few decades has been a families' game of musical throne interspersed with periods of military takeovers. At the risk of making my compatriots sick; today the likes of Nawaz Sharif, Yousuf Raza Gillani, Raja Ashraf and Asif Ali Zardari have blighted our lives as so-called democratic rulers of Pakistan! As if extremely serious allegations of corruption, tax evasion and conflict of interest against them were not enough, Sharif and Zardari are now on the verge of passing Pakistan's throne to their incompetent and undeserving offsprings through shameless acts of nepotism and cronyism. Today our system has made it possible for Maryam Safdar, Hamza Shahbaz and Bilawal Zardari to delude themselves into thinking they are leadership material. The likes of Achakzai, Fazl ul Haq, Khursheed Shah and Asfand Yar Wali are constantly declaring their undying love and support for a system that mainstreams throne-inheritance as a democratic process.

What about the people who are ruled by such 'leaders' with the help of such a system? Had our thinking evolved and had we learnt lessons from history, I would not be writing this article today. Yes, the system and methods of governance in Pakistan are corrupt and ineffective but what are the people waiting for? Are we any closer to the kind of Pakistan envisaged by Jinnah and Iqbal? I would suggest no, we are nowhere near it. My contention is our political thinking and mindset is stunted at best and putrefied at worst. What kind of people are we to fall victim to the same lies over and over again? Pakistan's laws and Constitution are stuff of fairy tales that we like telling our children in schools - at least to those who manage to go to school. According to one estimate 25 million Pakistani children are deprived of their Constitutional right to primary and secondary education and yet Nawaz and Zardari want us to save 'Democracy!' Nawaz Sharif and his courtiers can only sell us lies we are prepared to tolerate - and therein lies our true dilemma; do we continue to live off sugary dreams or wake up to the harsh trinity of our woes; corrupt rulers, a compromised system and us.

It is not in the interest of Sharif and Zardari to change the system that serves their families so well; the Royal courtiers that sit in our National Assembly will not rock the boat that brings them such privileges, money and power. This leaves us with - us, I guess! We can either wait for a slow biological change in our thinking or we can take the bull by the horns and say enough is enough. The bad news is there is no messiah on his or her way to rescue us, the good news is we can change both the system and our rulers if we stop being part of this circus of political exploitation and social injustice. How do we do that? Well, I guess we will have to go through some revolutionary evolution in our political thinking and mindset. This means we will need to take responsibility for our past, present and future and stop leaving it to God. So good luck to all - God knows we will need it.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:26 pm

2015-08-11T10:27:37+03:00 2015-08-11T10:27:37+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2395&p=10099#p10099 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Saving Civilization- My Foot!]]>
What else does one find to say about Hiroshima-Nagasaki? One thing close to my heart. I love Japanese literature. They've had great writers. And yet, in their disciplined fashion, most have never treated this horrendous sage of suffering. Well, that's their business. But it does raise questions in our minds about just how honourable Japanese intellectuals have shown themselves in the past. Mishima apart, they had all become willing slaves of the US.

Last but not least, the West learnt no enduring lessons from the Hiroshima-Nagasaki trauma. They have once again begun playing with the idea of using the bomb in their on again-off again relations with Russia. And once again the brilliant title to this piece will be used to justify any such incredible act, namely Saving Civilization. To which, of course, the heartfelt *My foot!" trips off the tongue with no prompting at all.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:27 am

2015-08-09T14:18:27+03:00 2015-08-09T14:18:27+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2395&p=10096#p10096 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Saving Civilization- My Foot!]]> But it is a narrative that has strangely very little emphasis on the human cost.
A young American Student in Hiroshima a student at Princeton University in America.
Standing near the famous A-Bomb Dome, I asked Jamal whether his visit to Hiroshima had changed the way he views America's use of the atom bomb on the city 70 years ago.
He considered the question for a long time.
"I think we as a society need to revisit this point in history and ask ourselves how America came to a point where it was okay to destroy entire cities, to firebomb entire cities.

A conventional view in the US is that while terrible, the use of the bomb brought an end to the war

The COOKED conventional wisdom in the United States is that the dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war, and because of that it was justified - end of story.

But it is one that was constructed AFTER the war, by America's leaders, to JUSTIFY what they had done. And what they had done was, by any measure, horrendous.

A deliberate civilian target

Crew of the Enola Gay in a military parade in New York, April 1946
The crew of the Enola Gay were treated as heroes for dropping an A-bomb on the heavily populated city
Hiroshima was not a military target.

Their target was the geographical centre of the city. The bomb was set to explode 500m (0.3 miles) above the ground for maximum destructive effect.

A US military team and Japanese camera crew shot more than 20 hours of film in March 1946. It is the most complete and detailed visual record of the after effects of the first atomic attack.
There is high-quality colour footage of the horrific scarring caused by flash burns from the bomb. There are injuries that had never been seen before.
'They should not thank the bomb'
What is all the more remarkable is that the film was not seen in public until the early 1980s. It was marked secret and suppressed by the US government for more than 30 years.
Americans were told a sanitised narrative of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: that a great scientific endeavour had brought quick victory, and saved hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides.

Decades later when Ms Ogura travelled to the Washington DC to see the unveiling of the Enola Gay at the Smithsonian Museum, she was astonished to find this version of history still holding sway.
"Many American people said to me, '"Congratulations, you could come here thanks to the bombing! Without the bombing you would have to do hara-kiri, you know, commit suicide'."
"That is a very awful excuse. We do not blame the Americans, but they should not say that thanks to the bomb so many people could survive."
A lifetime of radiation secrecy

The human cost
It is said that those who don't know their own history are condemned to repeat it.
Japanese leaders are rightly criticised for their continued attempts to whitewash Japan's WWII crimes in China, Korea and South East Asia.

It is also true that terror bombing was not invented by the United States.

The Nazis unleashed it at Guernica in 1937 and again on British cities in 1940.

The Japanese bombed Chongqing for six years. The British destroyed Dresden and many other German cities.
But no other bombing campaign in WW2 was as intense in the destruction of civilian lives as the US bombing of Japan in 1945. Between 300,000 and 900,000 people died.
As the student said-, how was it that the country that entered the war to save civilisation ended it by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians?


Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:18 pm

2015-08-09T14:06:35+03:00 2015-08-09T14:06:35+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10095#p10095 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]>
To Amman, Jordan in November and either before or after to Pakistan, More later

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:06 pm

2015-08-09T09:23:25+03:00 2015-08-09T09:23:25+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10094#p10094 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]>
I accept your sense of IK's innate "stupidity" in much of what he undertakes. But as one of the greats of the World Cup winning Team, Ramiz Raja, once pointed out: IK is also blessed by innate good luck, by which he meant when the man is absolutely teetering on the verge of disaster, that good luck kicks in and the day is saved. That's what allowed Pakistan to win the World Cup. That's what happened when he fell in 2013 and returned to us hale and hearty after 6 months spent in hospital, etc.

Perhaps IK's popularity is going down. Strangely enough so is that of all the other political parties. The awful paedophilia scandal which has just broken out in Kasur is a blow to PMLN's popularity isn't it? Apart from all the other corruption scandals they are aready involved in. Perhaps we'll all end up voting for the ex-CJ's political party in the making by the time the next elections come around. Or then the army will take over. Democratic Martial Law, as Faisal Reza Abidi has been calling it for quite sometime now. Or then you'll be proved right and a technocratic government will be the gift offered by the army to the masses.

Are you planning to return to Pakistan in coming days?

So, Friend, good nerves is a must. And as someone I know well keeps repeating to me when I'm down (3/4s of the time), whatever happens next will be for the betterment of the people of Pakistan.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:23 am

2015-08-08T04:30:54+03:00 2015-08-08T04:30:54+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10091#p10091 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]>
you need to understand that NO INSULT is Implied or otherwise. The mountain of frustration and the sense of betrayal that I am beginning to feel is just too big right now.
All hopes at this time for me are mere illusions.
All my fears have come to be true.
Plus the contract negotiations with the hospital have been tough but I am at least done with that.

Now all I have to deal with is MY PERCEPTION of IK's stupidity-( apparent to me anyway)- in all the things that he has done and seems to be doing. I am afraid what sort of decisions he would take if he in fact ends up being the top dog.
I can tell you one thing, his popularity is going down amongst those that came to him thinking of him as their great saviour.

And " Hell has no FURY as a SPURNED Populace " -( my paraphrasing).

Or perhaps it is FATE as you often say..........maybe Fate is taking IK where Fate wants to take him....But I would like to not hold Fate as the culprit but the man from whom we are and have expected so much.

The Wretched of the Earth will remain Wretched. Thats all.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:30 am

2015-08-06T07:30:12+03:00 2015-08-06T07:30:12+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10088#p10088 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]> Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:30 am

2015-08-05T18:58:46+03:00 2015-08-05T18:58:46+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10087#p10087 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]>
You say IK has proved himself in YOUR eyes.
All I can say is that YOU must be Colour Blind-all you can see is what YOU wish to see.
Intellectual Honesty be DAMNED.

I shall leave it at that.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:58 pm

2015-08-05T09:35:10+03:00 2015-08-05T09:35:10+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10086#p10086 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]>
And so, in defence of IK, let me say: He has proved himself in our eyes. He has turned round KPK within 2 years along with his dozy CM Pervaiz Khattak. And if others do not wish to acknowledge what he's achieved, that's upto them. We have a jewel of a police force under IG Nasir Durrani. And once again: the APS tragedy was none of our doing. It was under Army control and they failed to live up to their responsibilities. Everything else that has also changed there I'll skip for the moment. And retain just a final example: The Local Bodies Election which was part of IK's promises to us. Well, that has been achieved now. Stumblingly, to be sure. But that is how things are done in our wounded homeland. Shim, Peshawar is your City. But we, too, know a few people there, sturdy Pukhtoon who love IK, but who'd rather slit their own throats than let IK get away with deceiving them. He hasn't so far. And God willing he never will.

If it's gentically we've gone wrong, there's nothing we can do about it now, is there? As for religion, that's like our genes: we're slaves to both. We must learn to progress in spite of these initial handicaps. Would we be better off if we were atheists, I wonder. Somehow I doubt it. IK's wife is irrelevant to the whole story as is Bani Gala. Whatever happened in Islamabad was a horror scenario with no justification whatsoever. We'll pay for it someday, that is for certain. And not one powerful person in Pakistan stood up for the rights of the disenfranchised. In the name of justice, their eventual punishment is certain.

One word more: The JC and its schenanigans. The doctrine of necessity in all its brutal callousness was all it was about. And finally: revolution, guillotine-time? No one should exclude our going down this road finally. My Utopia is made out of many things. Bloodshed from one end of the country to the other is one of them. No doubt, IK knows it as well. He will not countenance it, that is for sure. But someday he too might be overwhelmed by the forces of change in action.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:35 am

2015-08-05T01:46:48+03:00 2015-08-05T01:46:48+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10085#p10085 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Them and Us]]>
It has always been this way !

I do not know if it is possible for me to add anything tot what you have written but I shall try and pour some GHOST pepper sauce or the new Trinidad moruga scorpion sauce-( Hottest in the world)-.

Let me first start by thawing a few stones at the latest Champion of Justice for the poor people of Pakistan-Imran Khan.
It is said that CHARITY begins at home. So the great Khan started by marrying a poor divorced mother of 3 and provided her with food and a roof to sleep under at his SPARTAN Bani Gala tent made of goat hair!

For me to complain about thew likes of Zardari-( his name means one who has ZAR- that is Gold)- and the not so sharif family of Nawaz and Shahbaz is to PISS into the Wind- it ain't join no where.
Dito Diesel
Dito Asfandyar
Dito Altaf Hussain.

When you write about Mr. Bilawal , the son of a thief.....you are wasting INK and paper or your efforts. That fellow is ZERO and will be ZERO no matter the crowd of sycophants around him.

But when you mention this great divide between them and US or US and Them, well all I am going to say is that THEM have accepted THEIR LOT in this life. For things to change- if that were even possible, THEM would have to assert their rights by grabbing the THROATS of the RICH.
They have not done that.
Are they going to do that.......in MIRZA GHALIB's UTOPIA.......that will happen.

In my world where no UTOPIA exists.......that sort of a reaction from the poor is LIGHT years away.

Why you ask ?

Let me pour some more of the hot sauce.

In one word the answer is RELIGION.
The entire social-cultural milieu in which our people exist consists of a PROMISE that the LIFE in the NEXT world-( if there is one)- will be better for the poor if they would only continue to LICK the soles of the RICH in THIS world. 5 times a day THAT is what they are taught by the Mullah who uses his own LEGITIMACY ordained by God Almighty and his 140,000 prophets.
Have you ever gone to the Ashoora gatherings where people beat their chests and backs with knives in order to under go the sufferings of those that died at Karbala. If you have-( I am sure you have)- you have not failed to notice that the large majority of those that do that are also THEM-( poor and downtrodden).

Let us go to Mirza Ghalib's UTOPIA if it ever came to pass---the Mullah would be the one who would tell the poor to go and SNATCH their rights from the rich. This did take place once upon a time in Iran but then just like Altaf Hussain--the Mullahs discovered the addiction and intoxication of Money.

The problem with OPENING your eyes to see is that in ORDER TO SEE you also need a functioning BRAIN.
And genetics determines that.
So if you are breeding COWARDS to COWARDS.....you are unlikely to get a LION or a TIGER.

What took place in I-11 in Islamabad recently is abhorrent and inhuman....but the people were powerless and the Great champion of the Pushtoons Imran Khan did not come and help. He did not even utter one word in all his news conferences. Maybe he did but THAT was also for political consumption.

We certainly should BITCH about the many Bilawal Houses and the Raiwind palace but INTELLECTUAL honesty demands that we also mention the great estate of the great Khan in Bani Gala in the very same breath.

Your quote

" He said yesterday that he was returning to the people to learn about their problems and aspiration; "IK

This is 2015 and pretty soon it will be 2016.
In 2011 the Great Khan had said the same thing.
In 2012 he had said the same thing
In 2013 he had said the same thing and he reacted the same in 2014.

I must add that the Great Khan is a SLOW learner.

You do not need to go to the PEOPLE to learn THAT.
If you have a sensitive heart.....you KNOW it already.

If Mirza Ghalib's UTOPIA did exist.....
.IK would be living in one of the SHACKS in I-11 with the people, eating the watery soup with stale dried bread, drinking filthy water with E. Coli and Leptospirosis and the virus of hepatitis, sleeping on the hard dirt floor with scorpions running around and flies and mosquitoes biting his white skin.

But then where would.. he find the 15 million tons of powder and make up/ lip stick for Mrs. Reham Khan

To speak of Hazrat Umar which he does often and of Sher Shah Suri is easy.............but let him try to be like them just for one day.

My diatribes are aimed at the Great Khan because he WAS this one great HOPE that we HAD imagined- I have not given up hope YET but as more time passes I am becoming more of a doubting Thomas.

When the APS attack had taken place.......I for one had expected Imran to FIRE Perevez Khattack or dismiss his PTI govt in KPK.
He did not.
Instead he found excuses to exonerate himself and his govt.

I rest my case.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:46 am

2015-08-04T17:46:40+03:00 2015-08-04T17:46:40+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2392&p=10084#p10084 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Them and Us]]>
The problem with opening your eyes is you have to see; the consequences of this can be pleasant or unpleasant. Distasteful sights bring us dangerously close to our hypocrisy; for example, consider the demolition of I-11 slum in Islamabad - hundreds of destitute families lost the only security they had in their lives, roofs over their heads. The highly polarised arguments that ensued left us all with opinions; justified or otherwise. There were those who spoke of rule of law and insisted that the habitants of the slum were occupying the land illegally. Others, moved by the terrible scenes of women, children and old people being dragged out of their homes; perhaps a grim reminder of what Palestinians have to endure at the hands of Israel.

I see both sides of the argument but I also saw, like many of my compatriots, the elephant dancing right in front of our eyes. The elephant was CDA, an organisation with unparalleled reputation for corruption in Islamabad when it comes to land affairs, enforcing the evictions and demolition. The dramatic bulldozing, shelling and high-handed arrests kept us from seeing the other gigantic eyesore; there are many very rich and influential people in Pakistan who live their lives well and truly above all the laws of the land but there is nothing we can or are willing to do about it. Apologies if you felt blinded by the sudden glare of hypocrisy.

My sympathies, I admit, are with the slum dwellers but I can see why they were so 'rudely forced'; poverty is not just a handicap in Pakistan but it is also an invitation to all those with money to dig their spurs into the flesh of the poor. Destitution, ignorance and disempowerment have created two simple classes in Pakistan, Us and Them; an elegant and neat classification that allows us to accept our lot with or without dignity. To explain what I mean, let me narrate an incident that most of us can relate to; I once stood by a roadside in Rawalpindi waiting for a VIP to go by. I got talking to a man who looked hungry, thirsty and stressed; I asked him what he felt about having to wait so long to cross the road; his response opened my eyes like a splash of cold water on hot Summer's day. He said, 'What can we do, we are poor people and these people (gesturing towards the direction from which the VIP was expected) are 'بڑے لوگ ' (approximate translation: rich, powerful and well-connected people), we are powerless.'

Thanks to this stranger's response, I crossed a very big and busy mental road with my eyes open; and I did not like it. The first thing we pick up from his response is the acknowledgement that there exists 'them' and 'us' with a great big ocean between the two. The second striking thing about his response was his use of 'us' and 'we'; he was not speaking as an individual but as a group or a class. The last thing was the sheer futility of even trying to do anything about it because somehow 'بڑے لوگ' and their charmed lives are truly insulated and protected from scrutiny. I felt that for him, there was clearly a permanent roadblock between them and us and that was the life he was fated to live.

In Pakistan, the 'them' and 'us' classification is everywhere; socially, economically, politically and even in religion. The classification is so persistent and sinister that it has successfully subdued the only fact that has the power to counteract it; our humanity. If Nawaz Sharif, Zardari or Bilawal thought of all citizens as humans, the classification would break down and with it a loss of all the privileges and power that it affords. Nawaz Sharif and Qaim Ali Shah visit people drowning in floods with the pomp and glitz of rock stars; class distinction reinforces and sticks best when people are vulnerable. Then of course come the promises, the handouts of food and small sums of money; media goes into feverish delirium and flood victims drown in gratitude having nearly drowned in raging waters.

Ever wondered about the size of the new Bilawal House or Raiwind Palace? I wonder what is with the grandeur? Why build a mausoleum for the inglorious dead of Bhutto family? The answer is quite simple; size matters when it comes to them and us; it is important to keep things huge, opulent and Pharoahic if you are going to keep rest of the population where it is. It is not possible to justify nepotism unless you first make the general populace believe that rules are different for those with money, power and relentless greed. When people accept this basic notion; the rest of the journey from Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to Bilawal Zardari (or is it Bilwal Bhutto) is very easy indeed.

You might wonder, how does MQM fit into this scheme? Quite elegantly, I think. Altaf Hussain claims that he derives his secondary and tertiary leadership from lower and middle class population of Karachi; that bit I think is true. Altaf's philosophy of love is under pinned by those who give orders and those who carry them out; a neat and murderous class distinction. The so called middle class leadership in MQM are made to think they are part of a special class; their job is to keep reminding the ordinary supporters of MQM that they can be the special ones provided they offer certain services for the the cause without asking any questions. Altaf does not like people around him to have ideas hence the ongoing murder investigation in London.

Imran Khan holds much promise for millions of Pakistanis but it is evident that he too is at risk of ending up with a two-class PTI. He said yesterday that he was returning to the people to learn about their problems and aspiration; if he meant this then there is hope for everyone. IK made a serious mistake by expressing so much trust in Nasir ul Mulk and his commission; the fact is judiciary in Pakistan is run by a class who very existence depends on keeping rest of the population alive in the hope but deprived of justice. When did you last hear a judge being sent to jail for corruption? Is that because there is no corruption within the judiciary? Now, that made you laugh, did it not?

So there you have it, Shia-Sunni, military-civilian, Pakistanis-rest of the world, pious-non pious, asleep-awake and them-us; it is quite simply the way have have been, the way we are and they way we are likely to be - unless of course we ask, whilst waiting at a road block, why do I have to pause my live for a VIP? When the first Pakistani chooses to disregard a VIP route order and crosses the road, I suspect it will be the proverbial first drop of rain. Soon enough, others will find the courage to actively believe that it may be us and them but I am not without dignity and power - and it certainly is not my fate to put up with them.

I look forward to the day when Bilawal will attend a passport office like an ordinary citizen, without the pleasure of a hundred cars, road blocks and the entire passport office staff at his disposal. We are humans first and only then we are, us and them. We must learn to respect, cherish and defend our human dignity; this is the only way to write a new fate for ourselves that does not involve waiting for 'them' by a roadside.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:46 pm

2015-02-16T06:33:39+03:00 2015-02-16T06:33:39+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2312&p=9762#p9762 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Falling Out of Love]]> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3x18dL ... freload=10

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:33 am

2015-02-15T14:03:43+03:00 2015-02-15T14:03:43+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2312&p=9760#p9760 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Falling Out of Love]]>
We bow a lot lower to people we fear; Altaf Hussain is clever; he sugar coats his tyranny with a thin film of love - that does not mean that the active ingredient in his 'philosophy' is love.

In order to break out of fear; the people of Karachi and Hyderabad need alternatives. The real challenge for any new political party or movement will be to provide a credible and workable alternative to the tyranny of Altaf Hussain. MQM has a strangle hold in Karachi simply because it 'deals' with any attempt at judicial scrutiny of its actions; but then you are rightly laughing because PPP and ANP does exactly the same. PTI has got an uphill struggle - talking about alternatives is a lot easier than providing them. Actions speak louder than words because they are a lot harder.

The removal of Altaf Hussain DOES NOT spell the end of all our woes in relation to Karachi; there is the a hell lot more wrong with Karachi. For the journey to begin it is the people of Karachi that must stand up and simply say; NO to coercion - that of course is wishful thinking.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:03 pm

2015-02-15T13:53:23+03:00 2015-02-15T13:53:23+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2312&p=9759#p9759 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Falling Out of Love]]>
As they say in Arabic, 'maktoob' , it must be written! Perhaps you are right; the suffering is meant to be. Euthanasia may after all be interference in God's plans.

Tyranny and slavery is possible either if people are totally powerless and oppressed or they are in love with fate, their oppressor or inaction. The problem of falling in love is lot deeper than we think; we create the kind of love that cannot be questioned. The problem we have with IK is that people seem to be falling in love with him rather than examining dispassionately what he is saying and doing and whether it is possible to achieve the aims he proposes. When we create political or religious icons; we end up in a collective act of worship rather than a collect drive to act.

Pakistanis are in love with self-referential history and rhetoric; we confuse euphoria with some kind of probable prognostication so you must forgive them if the look, sound and behave quite confused. The problem with euphoria is - it dies down like the bubbles in your bath; you are left slushing around in dirty water.

I stand by our dire need to fall out of love; you can hardly wish for chocolate if you haven't got bread to feed your children.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:53 pm

2015-02-15T10:39:10+03:00 2015-02-15T10:39:10+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2297&p=9756#p9756 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Power]]>
- (I refer to Google stats saying that Pakistan is the country most hungry for porn) to do something about our lives. -
- Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the 2 top PORN on the Internet consuming countries in the world. -
No we are not, that is a propaganda that I don't understand why.
http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q= ... cmpt=q&tz=
Go to this link and see the trends yourself for any words you like. Above link refers to only past 12 months, you can change it if you like.

Statistics: Posted by LifeH2O — Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:39 am

2015-02-15T10:25:26+03:00 2015-02-15T10:25:26+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2312&p=9755#p9755 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Falling Out of Love]]> Statistics: Posted by LifeH2O — Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:25 am

2015-02-15T05:46:29+03:00 2015-02-15T05:46:29+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2312&p=9751#p9751 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Falling Out of Love]]> The dominance of the Muslims in the Indian sub-continent and other countries(of the Muslim world) was based on continuous war, conquests,violent occupation, robbery , plunder, capture of immense wealth and all the political institutions have been based on
tyranny and slavery not only in the obvious political terms but also of intellectual and cultural terms in the most profound manner.

Today, not much has changed in Pakistan except perhaps a few voices in the wilderness can be heard with their timid and subdued lamentations.
The new robbers might sing different anthems and religions to justify their actions but the mindset of robbery and enslavement persists and will continue to persist.

It is not love that is the problem and never has been but the tyranny and enslavement.
Are the Slaves to blame too?
Of course they are but what else can they do ?

Is their suffering part of their Fate ?

Trying to stop the suffering.......are we tempering with Fate somehow and is that even Ethical thing to do.
Should we allow the suffering to continue.........and thus indirectly we inflict the suffering on it’s victims..............would That be ethical ?

Recently the Indian Supreme Court ruled that right to life also menas right to be free from suffering. The specific case involved a very old woman who is in a vegetative state and was being kept alive by modern medicine. The supreme court thus ruled that her artificial feedings could be stopped.
Her relatives, Devout Hindus refused and declared that it was her Fate which dictates that she shall suffer and no one must stop that suffering.

So are the Pakistanis destined to be subjected to the likes of Zardari, Nawaz Shareef, Altaf et Al................if the answer is No...........then why are they in the state that they are in.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:46 am

2015-02-14T17:52:39+03:00 2015-02-14T17:52:39+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2312&p=9750#p9750 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Falling Out of Love]]>
The foremost liberty we need most for a meaningful life is to be able to think, process and criticise ideas; this is the only way to learn and grow. So it is hardly surprising that we are stunted in more than one way. Our compliance, deference, fatalism, propensity to tolerate incompetence and our acceptance of hereditary transfer of power and authority all point to our inability to fall out of love with a system that is essentially killing us.

Pakistan is going through an exceptional period of war; the real war in Pakistan is not the one fought with weapons but the one being fought on the economic, social and intellectual battlefields. Our war of blood and bullets is a physical manifestation of our real war - the war of ideas. I do not know if we are winning or losing our real war but let us get something straight; the price for of losing will be truly grim for those who wait quietly for a messiah to arrive. Love will most certainly not save the day. Every leader-type in Pakistan demands unconditional love of a population too wasted to think straight; underlying all these demands is a sinister agenda of self-interest; this is why we are told that love and loyalty are two sides of same coin. Love is in great demand today because it serves vested interests of politicians, mullahs, bureaucrats, military generals, media personalities and many more.

Altaf Hussain claims that he has the undying love and support of people of a city that die daily of gunshot wounds, neglect and incompetence. Altaf Bhai may well turn out to be a nice man in a parallel universe - one which is powered by paralysing fear and is completely devoid of criticism and culpablity but as things stand there are extremely serious allegations against Altaf in this universe. One often hears MQM leaders tell detractors and accuser to seek redress from courts but then we all know what happens to naughty people who take legal action against MQM; anyone remembers the the five defunct witnesses in the Wali Khan Baber case? So when JIT found MQM involved in the Baldia factory arson which resulted in the horrific deaths of 260 people; Pakistanis were yet again told to seek redress in courts! The strange thing is Mr Altaf Hussain lives happily in the UK inciting violence in Pakistan; how does that work?

In the UK, stripping people of their nationality happens fairly regularly and quietly; that is no secret at all. Teresa May, the British Home Secretary, has stripped people of their British passports for a hell lot less than what Altaf Hussain stands accused of but for some reason she is almost deliberately looking the other way. The hate speeches of Altaf Hussain are very much in public domain and Imran Khan even went as far as providing documentary against Altaf Hussain to Scotland Yard but we are faced with stony silence. This gives credence to the theory that Altaf Hussain and his MQM may be a vital strategic asset of Britain in Pakistan. He is able to provide the kind of leverage to Britain in Pakistan that the America can only dream of. In the long run Britain’s strategic interests will be damaged far more if it continues to stick to its vow of silence on Aftaf Hussain. It is important that Britain is not only an unwelcoming place for violent extortionists but it is also seen to be so by the public in Pakistan.

I have little doubt dogma and loyalty are important to many but my question is at what cost? This is a question we need to address individually and collectively. Nawaz Sharif, Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Falzu and Siraj ul Haq need to be sent a simple message by the people; we are no longer willing to be part of the grand epic of a thousand and one lies; and in the words of Faiz;

مجھ سے پہلی سی محبت میرے محبوب نہ مانگ

Today on the 14th of February, the greatest imperative for us is to somehow fall out of love; we need to stop loving all things shiny and miraculous, we need to desist from the adoration of politicians living and dead and most importantly we need to stop prostrating ourselves in front of Eros of unconditional love.

So who wants to fall out of love today?

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:52 pm

2015-02-08T18:24:38+03:00 2015-02-08T18:24:38+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2297&p=9740#p9740 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Power]]>

UNTRUE both on Scientific and Experimental Grounds.

One may only Inherit a Logical mind……IF……….one's biological parents are LOGICAL-( intelligent etc)- ……and IF the environment that one is nurtured in……FACILITATES Logical upbringing.

On the Experimental side……..70 years is enough to have seen in spades what has taken place in the country.

As to PORNOGRAPHY…………..well you may do the MATH of two PLUS two.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the 2 top PORN on the Internet consuming countries in the world.

One may assign the reason to religiosity but that would not be quite fair………….the more likely reason is that they have nothing else to do………JOBLESS with no access to BIOLOGY in Pakistan or TOO MUCH MONEY in Saudi Arabia-( nothing to do that is )………..and so that is how the shoes fits.

Of course this PORN thing might all be a Jewish/ Indian Hindu conspiracy to malign the 2 Islamic countries!

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:24 pm

2015-02-08T17:15:56+03:00 2015-02-08T17:15:56+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2297&p=9739#p9739 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Power]]>
"How can this fallacy constitute the basis of anything- ( Gombrowicz)."

So here is my take; there is a serious lack of compatibility between democracy and Islam; the fallacy is in trying to establish an Islamic Republic which is democratic too; it just does not work or exist. The incomprehensible equalities Gombrowicz questions echo the oft quoted qualification for the ruler of an Islamic state; he (note NOT she) has to be the most pious person of the land. It does not require competence, a Ph.D in governance or experience but mere piety and honesty. So what people like Nawaz Sharif has to do is perform a few Haj, get matey with the King and princes of Saudi Arabia, visit a few shrines in India and Pakistan and lo and behold he has earned himself the certificate of piety and this of course then allows him to cheat his way to power via this shit called elections.

I want everyone to have the right to vote but not before they pass a test of ruthless selfishness that is devoid of forgiveness especially for those who fail him or her. Money can nullify the two watchdogs of the people; courts and media; so attaining power becomes easy.

Once we say that we are not interested in a person's religion we strip people like Fazlu, Siraj ul Haq, Nawaz and Zardari to their bare bones. The people of Pakistan can never have any power because of their addiction to religious explanations and solutions. If the law says thou shalt not steal then that is the law and all we have to do is to enforce it.

We need to return POWER back to courts that are actually able to deliver cold justice only then we will empower people.

The real conspiracy is the deliberate drip feeding of dogma to people and teaching them not to ask real questions. As long as the fornication with education system continues we will keep producing people who will seek messianic solutions to problems.

We need to make examples of those who fail us when they are given power to rule us; there - I have said it in one sentence.

We were all born with logical mind; we cannot hide behind the excuse that we victims of propaganda in this age of internet ---- this will of course mean Pakistanis would have to stop looking at porn for long enough (I refer to Google stats saying that Pakistan is the country most hungry for porn) to do something about our lives.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:15 pm

2015-01-27T21:01:30+03:00 2015-01-27T21:01:30+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2297&p=9713#p9713 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Power]]>
Is the source legitimate and TRUSTWORTHY...........or is the source the PROBLEM ?

And what process give this acquisition of Power legitimacy ?

Quote " I wish to note that this thing called elections do not cease to amaze me.
The day on which
- the vote of the illiterate means as much as the vote of the professor,
- the vote of the idiot as much as the vote of the wise man .
-the vote of the lackey as much as the vote of the potentate,
-the vote of the cutthroat as much as the vote of a virtuous man
is for me CRAZY.
I do not understand how this make believe fantastic act can determine, for the next few years, something as important as the government of a country.
On what sort of fairy tale does this authority base itself?
How can this fallacy constitute the basis of anything- ( Gombrowicz).
End of quote.

So why the shock and why the surprise and indignation as to the accumulation of POWER in the hands of the CROOKS ! so that they might indulge in all these things that they are indulging in.

Let us just take Imran Khan. In his wedding , he wore a slick shiny Sherwanee..........why ?
Dress up in a splendid coat and step into whatever. To use wisdom, maturity and virue..........well that is not in FASHION Sometimes TRIFLES have more meaning than the MONUMENTS when it comes to judging a person.

Anyone and everyone is complaining about the lack of competence in exercising POWER by the current lot..............ok but who gave these people this POWER and what process made it possible.

An efete copy-cat defective make believe process that has been adopted after importation.

A mouse that has come through the sewers can only be expected to smell of SHIT and not Channel # 5

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:01 pm

2015-01-26T08:59:09+03:00 2015-01-26T08:59:09+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2297&p=9712#p9712 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Power]]>
Our Pakistan, our bloodless, weeping Pakistan and its tortured population is also an example of much to be regretted historical failure. It was not meant to turn out the way it did when our forefathers sacrificed their lives to allow us to create a new country away from the depredations of the Hindus of India. That the end result has been utter failure on our part, who can deny?

You signal out religian as the first culprit - and rightly so. What else do the poorest of the poor have in their hands except their faith in God? That faith should have strengthened them considerably. Instead it has led to their utter slavery to the whims of a few rich men and women.

But our vampire "PM" is not propped up by the slaves alone. Over time, he has created a vast network of compliant thieves and associated criminals - the ones we think of belonging to the status quo - and together they have a merry time killing us off one by one. The Constitution, all things to all rich men, is one big failure on our part. The other obviously is what passes for the judiciary in this country. But, worst of all, I imagine is our blind belief in the "democratic" system, no less fatal to our people than religion has turned out to be. Give me a benevolent dictator who does his duty anyday to fake Democracy, with all due apologies to IK and my fellow Pakistanis.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:59 am

2015-01-24T14:04:10+03:00 2015-01-24T14:04:10+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2297&p=9707#p9707 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Power]]>
I will admit I do not know much about Tony Benn, the left leaning British Labour Party politician who died last year. His political achievements within Westminster politics are of little or no interest to me but what is of interest to me are the five questions he believed we should ask the most powerful of the land. He said;

"If one meets a powerful person - Rupert Murdoch, perhaps, or Joe Stalin or Hitler - one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system."


I am struck by the incredible relevance of these questions to present day Pakistan where unbridled power is exercised by a tiny minority over a fatally compliant majority of citizens. In light of the recent fuel crisis, I find it hard to describe my compatriots in any other way. The long queues of misery-stricken bottle-clutching – tired men, women and children waiting for hours in the faint hope of buying some liquid happiness to run their motorcycles, scooters and cars. What has become of us - the suffering descendants of those who gave us a free country in 1947 – a great chance to live dignified lives free of oppression? The answer perhaps lies in understanding what ‘power’ has come to mean to the rulers of Pakistan; so let us examine this in light of Tony Benn’s five questions.

What power do you have?

The power exercised by the rulers of Pakistan over the people is truly obscene. They not only have a stranglehold over food and fuel production and supply but also on making laws that only benefit them and their families. It will not be too far from the truth to suggest that Sharifs, for example, live and behave like emperors; the laws of the land do not apply to them and never will. It is truly shocking that Sharifs exercise the power of life and death over a population that has to beg for its ‘naan’ and watery ‘daal.’ Unbridled power gives the likes of Sharifs and Zardaris access to an unlimited supply of tax-free money – the single most important resource for enslavement. With money they can buy anything they like; assets, elections, judges, politicians, even more money, power and even life after life in grand mausoleums.

Where did you get it (power)?

The allegation is that Zardari and Sharif got their power from the people via elections but the reality is rather disturbing; Pakistan’s elections are nothing more than an orgy of corruption and robbery conducted under the auspices of a work of fiction called the Constitution of Pakistan. I find it amusing when politicians triumphantly say that they are answerable to people who have voted for them; people with empty tummies and chronic problems of inflation, deprivation, lack of education and opportunities, lack of security and with a strong belief divine intervention can NEVER vote; they can only roll for one disaster to another. To ask the likes of Ayaz Saddiq how he got his power will be laughable; it is akin to a man standing by a bloody corpse, clutching a smoking gun, shouting ‘I am glad I killed the bastard!’ being asked, is there any proof you did it? In case of Parvaiz Rasheed it would be a moronic discussion about how to define the concept of ‘murder.’

In whose interest do you exercise it (power)?

Now that is a really ‘interesting’ question, is it not? Even an uneducated, pavement-dwelling, smelly and revolting pauper in Lahore will be able to answer this question correctly – and there lies the real irony. We all know that Sharifs, Zardaris and their families exercise power solely in the interest of their business and family interests; we all watch televised stories of the daily rape of merit and competence on the 8 p.m. prime time talk-shows but still we find it impossible to progress beyond words. The problem we have is a religious one; we all seem to be resigned to the promised hope of Divine justice in the afterlife as we watch our rulers fornicate with our dignity in this life – yes, queuing up for fuel and food or waiting for electricity or gas to appear with the same regularity as bills etc. are all good examples.

To whom are you (rulers) accountable?

Well, once you have rediscovered you composure, I will dwell on this; once again you can ask any other disgustingly poor citizen of Pakistan as to whom he or she thinks Nawaz Sharif is accountable to and the answer will be to no one. The general rhetoric is that we are all accountable to God and Sharifs will make sure that keep reminding us of that but in actual fact our rulers are accountable only to their greed – at least in this life. The legal system of Pakistan that is entrusted with accountability and in Pakistan we also have something called NAB whose head is appointed by those who it is meant to hold accountable – at least we have not lost our ability to laugh. Iftikhar Chaudary was elevated to the position of CJP but he turned out to be a wonderful salesperson who found it hard to explain his son’s unlimited supply of money. Accountability is the nubile, busty and sexy blonde Fazlu dreams of every one seventh of a second but the fact remains that no amount of drool dripping down his beard will ever make it a reality. The suggestion that our rulers are accountable to the people of Pakistan is as ridiculous as the suggestion that they derive their power from the people.

How can we get rid of you (rulers)?

If you have not lost your will to live by now – you should. Let us face it; there is no way of getting rid of our power junkies, is there? Musharraf still has wet dreams of returning to power, Falzu suffers from daily “nocturnal pollutions” of attaining power and Zardari-Bhutto and Sharifs are hell bent on making their hold on power an integral part of their genetic make-up. In civilised countries major and minor cockups are sufficient for rulers to walk away from the corridors of power but never in Pakistan. Even acts of deliberate criminality are not sufficient to get rid of anyone in our country. Model Town murders is only ONE example in a litany of murderous exercise of power by our rulers and yet they are still in power – enjoying trips paid for by tax-payers - to yonder lands even if the trip is of no benefit to the people of Pakistan. The death of a King is of significance to Nawaz Sharif because not because he wants to become a king but because in his mind he already is, except the named title, the King of Pakistan.

Our inability to get rid of our incompetent, corrupt and nepotistic rulers is the clearest sign that our suffering will not end with the fuel crisis we are faced with today. The sacking of incompetent leadership is the defining trait of those nations that have made it and we in Pakistan are still too preoccupied with doctrinal issues of life after death to worry about the stink in life before death.

For those still protesting that Pakistan does have democracy, I leave you with the last line from the Tony Benn quote;

“Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system."

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:04 pm

2014-12-22T18:28:42+03:00 2014-12-22T18:28:42+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2281&p=9611#p9611 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Intellectual Honesty-2]]>
In the age of hypocrisy, intellectual honesty is the Caviar we can ill afford. We mostly remember a 'sanitised' version of history - a version retro-corrected to make it more palatable and fit better with the awkward jigsaw of our unconscionable lives. Real Politik is more than a word; it's a prison from whence escape is impossible - do you want to know why? It is hard to escape from a prison which is locked from the inside. We are prisoners to our own hypocrisy and lies as were our so called leaders before us.

China is our great "friend"; it sells us all and sundry especially when we do not have the money to pay upfront. One thing you have got to understand about China; it does not get involved in our internal affairs; no matter who is in power in power in Pakistan from Bhutto, Zia, BB and all the way to the Nawaz Sharif today. China has little interest in giving us a lesson on political morality; its main purpose is to make money - its best costumers are the ultra corrupt of Pakistan because few questions are ever asked about the deals being cut. Did you every notice when you were walking around Jinnah Super Market recently how the whole market was flooded with cheap and tacky Chinese goods? A few years back I asked a shopkeeper were was all the made in Pakistan stuff. His reply was that no one is able to compete with the Chinese! Our 'great' friendship with Chinese has come at a cost; the death of industry in Pakistan so lets not start talking about far away Ughir people and Xinjiang.

The narrative of the last 3 decades in Pakistan is; the more Islamic education we have, the more we adhere to Islamic principles and the moment we have an Islamic government in Pakistan; all our problems will go away miraculously. This is the worst example of intellectual dishonesty I can think of and it shows that we lack the depth to think about our troubled lives in a complex and actionable manner.

At the risk of being honest; people who cannot sort their own problem should stop looking for Caviar to put on their toast.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:28 pm

2014-12-21T19:04:11+03:00 2014-12-21T19:04:11+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2281&p=9609#p9609 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Intellectual Honesty-2]]> History has not forgotten him though with the passage of Time…very few people today even know of his name.
Fast forward to the 20th Century………everyone in Pakistan rightly condemns the forced occupation of Palestine by the Jews of Europe in forming the satiate of Israel. This in effect has given rise to the birth of many armed political organizations and policies put forth by many Muslim countries.

In the case of Pakistan, there is another OCCUPATION of a Muslim land which no one talks about……..the Ughir lands of Sinkiang by the Chinese Han communist govt. A distinct Muslim people with their own land and culture have been reduced to pariahs in their own land and thanks to the riches of the Chinese and Pakistan's dependence on them, NO PIP SQUEEK is ever heard about this massive land grab. Now that Sinkiang has been found to have tremendous amounts of OIL, well it is unlikely that the Ughirs will ever get a FIAR shake either from the Chinese or from their co-religionists in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.

Those REAL POLITIK considerations of yesteryear apply to today too.

In state of bondage, as is known,
The shift of conscience is quite sure.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:04 pm

2014-12-20T22:12:03+03:00 2014-12-20T22:12:03+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2280&p=9603#p9603 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Casting a Cold Eye]]>
'It is rotten.' I think you are right; we keep obsessing about the breadth of the rot but our real problem is the depth of putrid decay we suffer as a society.

Sometimes I think the only way we stand a chance is to forgive absolutely everybody and start afresh; but the problem remains as Hassan Nisar puts it; you can put pig meat through this machine as many times as you like; you will only end up with minced pork. Where does that leave us?

"There is a time for every activity under the heavens." (Bible)

I guess there is a time to give up because hope has a shelf life despite all the crap we are told to believe.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:12 pm

2014-12-19T23:51:51+03:00 2014-12-19T23:51:51+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2280&p=9598#p9598 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Casting a Cold Eye]]>
COPYCATS of the worst kind.

Simply put THAT is the description specific.

An army that is being Admired by a group of Idiots devoid of any Gray Matter.

Rather than looking as to WHY it happened and WHO did not plan or do his job…………..they have gone down in the Abyss where the TTP lives.

No we do not wish to look in the Mirror………….we do not wish to acknowledge that this ARMY which has attacked North Waziristan with great Fanfare is UNABLE to think that the TTP would attack where THEY CAN…..and they did.
In medical Mal Practice this is called NEGLIGENCE.
The armed forces of Pakistan were NEGLIGENT………..the administration of the school was NEGLIGENT……….the Peshawar City police was negligent and so were the much ballyhooed ISI , IB and MI.

Has COURAGE and INTELLECTUAL HONESTY been banned from Pakistan………….were these 2 things ever there ?

Why did Imran not SPEAK about this……………it remained for the women-( yes it is always the women) to tell the TRUTH about what happened and of course the TV Channels promptly censored what they said except Talat Hussain of AAJ TV.

We never expected anything from the bunch of crooks in the govt:……….but IMRAN and his PTI.

And the brave soldier Raheel Shareef shows HIS own capabilities by HANGING those that were in his control……just like the TTP killed all those kids because the TTP had all the guns.

Mirza Ghalib often castigates me for pessimism………….but what the hell is left.

All our imagined IKONS have been found out. They are made of un-baked Clay and their hearts and brains do not exist.

And yet STING writes all this……………….I am again reminded of the Garbage in Nowshehra which at least is visible to the naked eye…………….we are just beginning to smell the stench of the Garbage within.

It is rotten. End of Story.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:51 pm

2014-12-19T17:40:20+03:00 2014-12-19T17:40:20+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2280&p=9597#p9597 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Casting a Cold Eye]]>
There is something we should not forget about Nawaz Sharif and his corrupt posse; their history. Nawaz Sharif has cut many deals in the past, he has made thousands of promises and signed many agreements; they common element of all these is that he has almost never stayed true to his words. If you want to rule like a king, then you need to have the courage to die like a king; this point is completely lost on Sharifs and my view is they are not just incompetent but they are also Pakistan worst cowards. For those who cannot face charges of electoral fraud, do we expect them to face the wrong end of a terrorist's gun?

You are right to despair both in the judiciary and the Army because both have failed Pakistan in moments of great distress. This morning Nasir ul Mulk called a meeting of judges of ATCs so that procedures could be speeded up; here is the simple questions, is that not what he is meant to be doing as part of his job? How come he has just woken up to realise that something is not quite right in the way ATCs are working in Pakistan? Nawaz Sharif and Raheel Sharif met this morning and both Sharifs promised to fight terrorism till it is eradicated; so what have they be doing up to now? So we are only at the stage of promises and more crap.

Pakistan's military segregates itself from bloody civilians to the extent that they even convict and hang terrorist themselves. It is ironic that the first few to be hanged tomorrow were convicted of attacking GHQ and not a school, mosque or a market. That speaks volumes about Nawaz Sharif's lack of balls and his complete lack of leadership.

It pains me to write this but Nawaz Sharif and PML N are about to give PTI a perfect lesson in political deception. When Shah Mahmood says that after 15 sessions they had nothing to show for it then why does he thinking after two more the matter for election audit will be settled. With Sharif Govt in control, it is a fact that all judges can be bought or intimidated and PTI is about to learn this the hard way. You will remember these words in a few months time when NOTHING will come of all this wait, promises, deals, talks and concessions. The smartest thing IK says is that Nawaz Sharif cannot be trusted (and there are good reasons for thinking that) so I am not sure why PTI thinks Sharifs will honour any promise to hold a judicial audit.

Anyway, Zardari allowing Abdul Aziz and his cohorts to walk free is one of the reason why our children are dying senselessly. As long as we keep reacting to calamities and murder but never planning; we are unlikely to get the miracle we so desire.

As I said; if you want to hang people, start with those whose political, professional and failure in office has made it necessary to hang people.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:40 pm

2014-12-19T15:36:30+03:00 2014-12-19T15:36:30+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2280&p=9596#p9596 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: Casting a Cold Eye]]>
As for justice, hanging and the like, NS has no intention of being involved. He has already received death threats against himself and his family from various Terrorist Groups, some of whom he's closely associated with in other ways as well. So if anyone signs any death warrants it will have to be the man for all seasons, our COAS. Rumour has it he's done so already and the Dr Usman Group of 6 men have either been hanged already or will lose their lives before too Long.

The Judiciary, the delivery of justice? We may as well forget all of that, it's simply a joke. We have an all-powerful NS sitting on our heads and whatever he says goes unless we get to unseat him. The people deserving of the death penalty you mention are all allies of NS, nothing will happen to them and they will appear repeatedly on various talk shows, never doubt. It's PTI workers protesting in front of Lal Masjid who get arrested and kept in detention. Perhaps they might even be "hanged" by mistake if NS got his way.

How guilty Musharraf was or was not over Lal Masjid, I'm no longer in a position to say. I used to have an answer to this in the past. Now I simply do not know. I do know, however, that NS & Co killed and maimed in Model Town not so long ago and should be made to pay a price for that barbaric act.

Finally, I do agree with you that if from now on the People of Pakistan concentrated on doing and saying what is right irrespective of the consequences, we may finally take a step forward. Otherwise all we'll get is more of the same dished out to us by the criminal mentality of our ruling classes.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:36 pm

2014-12-19T14:33:38+03:00 2014-12-19T14:33:38+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2280&p=9595#p9595 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Casting a Cold Eye]]>
The risk of being misunderstood is great in times of grief but the risk of chasing after miracles is even greater. Turning on our television sets is not without its risk, we all know that but not turning them on is rarely an option exercised by most. I do not think it is possible to recover from the news of Peshawar school massacre especially for the parents and relatives of those who died or were injured in this unprecedented act of barbarity by the TTP. I am painfully aware that TTP are not known for their tolerance of human plurality or for throwing flowers at those they consider infidels but systematically executing children in a school was something not even an insane mind could contemplate. Dreams often die with a whimper but not in Peshawar, it is impossible to escape the thought-flight of imagination; what amazing things would these children have done as adults?

Politically correctness is not a luxury I will afford myself today; I will just say what I need to say. Barely had the screams and streams of blood died down in Peshawar, we began to hear demands for reinstating the death penalty for terrorists. A fellow blogger asked, why only for terrorists? I had no answer for that so I ignored the question. Leadership failures of the past 65 years made the provision of justice extinct in Pakistan and in its place we have acts of personal or judicial vengeance.

I have no doubt that the perpetrators of Peshawar massacre belong in the hot valleys of hell but not as act of vengeance but through the delivery of justice. With enough people demanding death penalty; Nawaz Sharif gave the orders lifting the moratorium on capital punishment. This decision was not based on strategic thinking with a cold head but in the wake of emotional tidal wave of anger and grief. You might be forgiven given for thinking that Parliament to meet and discuss this before coming to a majority decision but then this is not a matter of saving Nawaz Sharif and his lovely Government.

Here is my point; if we are going to reinstated capital punishment, then we must begin by hanging all those political and religious leaders whose incompetence, corruption and intolerances necessitates the lawful taking of lives. When I see people like Fazlu, Siraj ul Haq and Abdul Aziz on TV, I realise we do not have the stomach or the will to deliver ‘capital’ solutions to our problems. So the bla, bla, bla goes on.

A committee formed, cobwebs removed from gallows, religious bigots preaching and morning show anchors milking every drop of emotional response from viewing public. Our TV anchors take no prisoners in the ratings war; so the distressed-looking faces, the tears, the quivering voices, the dark poetry and the scrapping of wounds repeatedly to make sure that our national grief is profitable. The one thing grieving families need is dignity and privacy to mourn their unbearable loss and these are the exact things that do not make money and hence the frenzy on our screens.

Anwar Maqsood is the only person I saw on TV making a sensible and humane plea to TV channels; please stop repeatedly showing images of dead and injured children, how would we feel if they were our children? So called religious ‘scholars’ are all over our channels like an acute viral rash, trying their best to sell their outrage and surprise – still believing that better preaching will deliver us from this evil. Then when we thought we had seen it all, Javed Chaudry invited Abdul Aziz for an interview – of course he was made to take off his burka before his appearance. The fact that Abdul Aziz is not rotting in solitary confinement, living a slow death, is clear proof of our not-so-latent tendency towards extreme hypocrisy. We want to have our cake and eat it too – good luck with that, I say.

Musharraf had made many poor decisions during his tenure but one of the worse one was to fornicate with political popularity by prolonging the Lal Masjid siege to the point of bloody crisis. Abdul Aziz and Musharraf are reminders of our inherent dishonesty when it comes to letting the axe fall where the fault lies. Do we think we should not hang the man whose direct orders made an aircraft full of people nearly run out of fuel and crash? Now I am scrapping flesh off our complacency, am I not?

Pakistan military has a lot to be proud of; there is no two ways about it. Our soldiers have delivered unparalleled service in times of disaster and I witnessed this in person during the 2005 earthquake. As an organised, resourceful and disciplined institution, it moves quickly and effectively whilst our political leadership is contemplating whether a shalwars can be hung on the Supreme Court fence. The sacrifices our soldiers make in defending the people and territory of Pakistan can only be commended. Whilst Nawaz Sharif’s Govt is trying to untangle its knickers from its knees, it is Pakistan’s armed forces that are fighting TTP in the North of Pakistan and along the Afghan border.

Like all things human, Pakistan’s military must face much justified criticism. Pakistan’s military enjoys unwarranted exclusivity and a highly subsidised life style. They have their own banks, airlines, grocery stores, schools, shops, residential societies and even their own funeral services. It makes perfect sense for the military of any country to ring fence its military offices and assets but it is nothing short gross arrogance for it to ring fence all the non-professional needs of its members. Pakistan’s military needs to reconnect with the people it is meant to defend and the only way to do that is by desegregating its civil life from that of ‘bloody civilians.’

The murdered children Peshawar were the all the children of Pakistan, irrespective of what their parents do for a living and that is the way we should look at all the people of Pakistan. I hope we can cast a cold eye on our lives and find the courage to say and do what is right and not fall for just those things that placate us.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:33 pm

2014-08-19T05:42:28+03:00 2014-08-19T05:42:28+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2087&p=8720#p8720 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: What is REAL !]]> http://www.humansofnewyork.com

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:42 am

2014-08-14T18:15:01+03:00 2014-08-14T18:15:01+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2087&p=8689#p8689 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: What is REAL !]]> Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:15 pm

2014-08-12T20:23:05+03:00 2014-08-12T20:23:05+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2087&p=8686#p8686 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • What is REAL !]]>

At the present time we are suspended, so to speak, between two worlds of allegiance and association.
On the one hand, and partly behind us, is the historic world in which loyalties to family, church, profession, local community, and interest association exert, however ineffectively, persuasion and guidance.
On the other is the world of values identical with the absolute political community- the community in which all symbolism, allegiance, responsibility and sense of purpose has become indistinguishable from the operation of centralized political power.
In the Western democracies we have moved partly into the second, but no wholly out of the first. In this suspended position lie both our danger and our hope.
Our hope because we have not yet become separated wholly, as have many European populations, from the social sources of freedom, and because our will have not yet become anesthetized into moral passivity; our danger because manifestly these sources have become weakened and the spell of the political community has become ever more intense. We are dealing with a problem that demands a new classification of States, one that is relevant to the actual conditions of order and freedom in the contemporary world. Traditional labels – democratic, republican, capitalist, socialist, et cetera- have by now become nearly as archaic as older classifications of monarchy and aristocracy.
Of what value now are differentiations in the extent of electorates, in frequency of elections in mass participation in politics?
Government of, by, and for the people, for all its verity as an abstract proposition, becomes nearly irrelevant in a world where all despotisms rest upon foundations of mass acquiescence and where all the arts of political propaganda are employed to sink the roots of government deeply in popular consciousness and participations.
Equally illusory and irrelevant is socialism. When Sir William Harcourt declared, at the end of the nineteenth century, “We are all Socialists now,” his words had a prophetic quality that he did not quite intend.
For most of the cherished goals of nineteenth-century socialism have become accepted procedures of democratic and totalitarian governments alike.
We must conclude that all States in the future will be able to demonstrate and will have to demonstrate, attributes of socialism.
But, by themselves these will promise nothing in the way of freedom
What are the terms by which free and unfree societies in the contemporary world may be distinguished?
Merely to ask the question is to reveal the poverty of present political vocabulary in this respect. We are still operating with words and phrases drawn from a day when the lexicon of freedom bore meaningful relation to the rise of the people in politics and to the emancipation of individuals from inherited social structures. In plain fact we have no set of evocative terms at the present time that correspond to our realities in the same way the words “people” and “ individual” and “change” corresponded to the realities and aspirations of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
There is the kind of state that seeks always to extend its administrative powers and functions into all realms of society, always seeking a higher degree of centralization in the conduct of its operations, always tending toward a wider measure of politicization of social, economic, and cultural life. It does not do this in the name of power of freedom- freedom from want, insecurity and minority tyranny. It parades the symbols of progress, people, justice, welfare and devotion to the common man. It strives unceasingly to make its end and purposes acceptable- through radio, newspaper, and document- to even the lowliest of citizens. It builds up a sense of the absolute identity of State and society- nothing outside the State, everything in the State.
Increasingly, in this type of State, the basic needs for education, recreation, welfare, economic production, distribution, and consumption, health, spiritual and physical and all other services of society are made aspects of the administrative structure of political government. This process of transfer comes to be accepted by almost everyone- by businessmen in search of guaranteed production and profit, by educators in need of funds, by labor in the interest of guaranteed jobs and living wages, and by liberal reformers in the interests of housing programs or other projects. Autonomous areas of economy, education, and other spheres of culture shrink constantly. Invasions of minority rights are defended, as are invasions of social authority and responsibility, and limitations upon right association in the name of people, of social justice, of preparedness for war against poverty, ignorance, disease and external national enemies.
Such a state may well call itself democratic and humanitarian. All contemporary totalitarian states so refer to themselves. Such a State may found itself upon the highest principle of virtue, even as did the Republic of Plato. There can be such a thing as democratic totalitarianism even as there can be, as we have learned in disillusion, socialist totalitarianism. The design of totalitarianism, as Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor has taught us, can be infinitely varied and in human can proceed from the formal veneration of God as easily as from the hatred of God. The impersonal despotism of virtue, as someone has said, is not the less despotic because it is virtuous.
But there is also the kind of State that seeks, without sacrificing its legitimate sovereignty grounded in the will of the people, to maintain a pluralism of functions and loyalties in the lives of its people. It is a state that knows that the political absorption of the institutional functions of an association, be it family, local community, or trade union, must soon be followed by the loss or weakening of psychological devotions to that association. It is a state that seeks to diversify and decentralize it’s on administrative operations and to relate theses as closely as possible to the forms of spontaneous association which are the outgrowth of human needs and desires and which have relevance to the economic, educational and religious ends of cultures. Is seeks cultural diversity, not uniformity. It does not make a fetish of either social order or personal adjustment, but it recognizes that the claims of freedom and cultural autonomy will never have recognition until the great majority of individuals in society have a sense of cultural membership in the significant and meaningful relationships of kinship, religion, occupation, profession and locality. It will not spurn the demands of human security but it will seek means by which such demands can be met through spontaneous association and creation rather than through bureaucratic rigidities of formal law and administration.
Either type of State may be labeled democratic and humanitarian. But the difference between the two types is infinitely greater than the differences between capitalism and socialism, or between monarchy and republic. The rest type of state is inherently monolithic and absorptive and however broad its base in the electorate and however nobly inspired its rulers, must always border upon despotism.
The second type of State is inherently pluralist and, whatever the intentions of its formal political rulers, its power will be limited by associations whose plurality of claims upon their members is the measure of their members freedom from any monopoly of power in society.

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:23 pm

2014-07-27T15:59:37+03:00 2014-07-27T15:59:37+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8654#p8654 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
In all scenarios……good or bad there is always some bright spots.

If I was IK-( and I am not)- I would recall my memory to find out who were the people who advised me AGAINST going out into the streets right after the election.
Once I found out that….I would get those people out of my advisory panel to make policy.
It is those people who have let the situation come to this .

I WAS there during the election and I did spend quite a bit of time in the street………I was amazed to find that everyone I spoke with said they were voting for Imran……In Multan , In Pindi , in Islamabad , in Peshawar and so on.
So once the results came out there were only two possible explanations

1. There was grand scale rigging

2. The people were LYING.

How to react to the situation was the dilemma. The " old " PTI workers wanted to come out swinging but the Querahis, the Hashemis etc etc wanted to KEEP COOL and ask the Iftikhar Ch. Judiciary to fix the problem.

I already HAD RESTED my case long before -( HERE)-when it was left to a One Eyed Jack to dispense Justice……….so we are here today.
Even today the decision making has been FORCED on Imran by TUQ's plans.

That is where the problem lies.

Let us see if the man who made good decisions on the Cricket pitch can RISE to the occasion.

Bad timing….bad weather………..and I might add bad OMENS !

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:59 pm

2014-07-27T12:49:09+03:00 2014-07-27T12:49:09+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8650#p8650 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]> Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:49 pm

2014-07-27T06:09:56+03:00 2014-07-27T06:09:56+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8648#p8648 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
the scuttle bug from the street in South Punjab is that people are fed up with the current rulers…………..
…………………………BUt they are also as much FED UP with PTI and IK.
The talk is that what the hell kept Imran from calling for Re-Election right away and that all he has done so far is JULOOS after JULOOS and Jalsa after Jalsa.

They-( street people) are saying that this the last Chance HE-( Imran) has…………if he lets these guys off the hook…………his political future is also History.

Thats what the people are saying.

Do I agree ?


Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:09 am

2014-07-26T12:22:11+03:00 2014-07-26T12:22:11+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8640#p8640 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
And Shim, the latest event to have aroused your deep, sacred ire: the boy whose arms were cut off. So sorry, I hadn't heard about this barbarity before. Could it have served as a springboard to bringing a revolution to the people of Pakistan. Perhaps and perhaps not. The point is though IK is acting very cautiously and, strange to say, that hothead TUQ as well. His followers have been shot down, killed and wounded, and yet all he seems to be doing is giving talk show after talk show not one of which I personally have had the courage to listen to.

Let me add to the mix the threat of army intervention in our affairs in coming days, since PMLN has invoked article 245 (?), handing over the safety of various cities, including Islamabad, for a three month period to the army. So are the masses and the army going to clash in Islamabad on August 14? Are we going to change the venue of the event at the last minute? What we'll not do in any case is cancel the march whatever its destination.

We'll stand shoulder to shoulder with Imran because we have no other choice. It's as simple as that. We find much to criticise in the way he is handling things, but then he's the boss. Who argues with bosses? I once tried and promptly got the sack at a very critical time in my life. So let's trust in his killer instinct, grit our teeth, pray that all will go well and join the masses when they finally come out to forge their own destiny at long last.

BTW: We may be getting Zardari back as President of Pakistan soon. What a laugh that will be for us all.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:22 pm

2014-07-24T20:52:48+03:00 2014-07-24T20:52:48+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8636#p8636 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
Ditto for everything.

Just let me have the Guillotine !

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:52 pm

2014-07-24T12:47:26+03:00 2014-07-24T12:47:26+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8633#p8633 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
So we vacillate between hope and optimism, unwilling to give up on Pakistan; I am happy to join you in this journey but time is running out.

Shimatoree sahib says lets have a unity government in Pakistan post 14 August 2014; the idea, I agree with MG sahib, is great but we do have a problem and that is do with culture and mindset. In a country where the national pastime for the last 67 years has been to chop each others roots; how are we going to create the Utopia of unity.

In Pakistan, the mindset from the top to bottom revolves around getting a leg up by stepping on someones else's shoulder, dead or alive. We have become both adept and accustomed to a merit-free life where we are born with birth-rights totally at odds with our ability and training. Unity can only be underpinned by merit and not just honesty. There are millions in Pakistan who claim rightly to be honest but are thoroughly incompetent and undeserving of the positions they hold, simply because they are incompetent. Miraculously, Falzu might become honest one day (after a Hajj perhaps) but that will never turn him into a worthy and competent leader who could be part of any unity government.

Pakistan needs to do some serious weeding post 14 August 2014. Do you know any skilled, competent and ruthless gardeners?

To me personally; two things need to be our utmost priority. Firstly scrap the constitution because it is a regressive, impractical and utterly exploitative document that is the source of shocking hypocrisy, lies and inaction. I do not think we need to replace it with anything; we just parliament to come up with common sense laws.

Secondly, we need to fix our justice system - that is all we need to do. Nothing else matters. A justice system with shark teeth will soon get rid of the sick and corrupt big and small fish from our pond thus paving the way for a lighter, cleaner and progressive pond.

Pakistan's problem is that over the decades, thanks to our utterly screwed up education system, we have created armies of illogical and irrational slaves that feel threatened at the smallest hint of reasoning and dissent. Tackle this and I will give you a new Pakistan in due course.

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:47 pm

2014-07-18T08:13:19+03:00 2014-07-18T08:13:19+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8616#p8616 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
About planning, as far as I know the first thing that PTI intends doing if it comes to power is to extend the tax network to include all the untaxed millionaires infesting this country. That's as good a starting point as any. Shim, your idea of forming a national government of unity is worth gold. It would be the best way to achieve reconciliation between warring factions. The rest of your programme can then be applied single-mindedly, though I would add in two parts, i.e. not simultaneously. First let's get the secular reforms (including points 2 & 3) started and tackle the religous aspects of reform - also much needed - at a later date. But the main thing in all this is to achieve reform, not to play politics as we have done so far.

And now to the really tough part to deal with: fair and free elections. That person of "impeccable integrity and honesty" as EC is a pretty hard nut to crack. Look what happened with Fakhru Bhai. Actually, I have only one candidate for EC and that is Imran himself. Strange that I can't see any other honest person in a country of a 180 million inhabitants. But so it is. Which brings me to my problem with democracy, the form of government which lends itself most readily to manipulation. Harsh times demand novel solutions. Perhaps we require an "appointed" government at the moment, candidates being chosen through the combined efforts of the judiciary and the army. Or simply the "democratic martial law" Faisal Reza Abidi is so keen on propagating.

Whatever, I am with Imran to the death. Whether he becomes PM or not, he has broughts us alive and taught us to hope in the most desperate of situations. Like SN, I'm quite willing to give up on Pakistan if it lets us down this time. But I expect my links to Pakistanis will withstand any blow and prove indestructible.

Statistics: Posted by Mirza Ghalib — Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:13 am

2014-07-17T22:23:18+03:00 2014-07-17T22:23:18+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8615#p8615 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
Your quote " So Shim, if you were doing the planning, what would you suggest PTI do if August 14 lives up to its promise? How then would you proceed? " end of quote.

As Sh. Rasheed would say..................I am not so much BHOLA that I make news on your command .

PTI should already have had it's plans made not only if they succeed on 14th Aug but they mus also define what SUCCESS would be/\

1. If their march is successful in toppling the govt................mid term elections under whom and when. My view would be within one month or less. Appoint a person of impeccable integrity and honesty as EC but with a personality to work hard and make sure that everything is done properly and that would mean Law and order and thus someone whose capability and integrity to lead the law enforcement agencies is superb. Then once the elections are over, assuming if PTI forms the govt..........form a govt of national unity by selecting Honest people without any of their interests and liek Sher Shah Suri let them run their shows.
Immediate land reforms and finish the Waderas.
Establish a control commission to monitor and control the profit making industries.
Very substantially increase the money for education and vocational education.
Bring all Mosques under the govt andf all Mullahs as govt employees. Ban Loudspeakers.
Stop outside funding of the religious schools and make it illegal to use religion in politics. This one will require strong measures but they are essential. I shall write more on this later.

2. Control the TV news media dn lay down code of conduct and code of ethics.

3. Empower NAB and make it truly independent.

4. What if they lose out on 14th August................well I hope they have a Plan B ready for that.

More later

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:23 pm

2014-07-17T22:10:09+03:00 2014-07-17T22:10:09+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8614#p8614 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
In a sort of Macabre and Lunatic way I am an Optimist even though many would not buy that.

Let us take the worst case scenario.

Let us suppose that PTI falls for the Carrots of PML-N as you say...............it will be the end of PTI but someone else will RISE and fill that gap and perhaps learn from the experience of PTI and do it better....................or worst still PTI tries and fails and PML-N wins.

Well, once again someone else will rise.

Though I do not see any place for the likes of TUQ or Mullah Diesel...............but the " revolution" has started already and the people WILL rise..................

Statistics: Posted by Shimatoree — Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:10 pm

2014-07-17T14:43:27+03:00 2014-07-17T14:43:27+03:00 https://thepakpolitics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2060&p=8613#p8613 <![CDATA[ThePakPolitics ThinkTank - Political Analysis • Re: 14 August 2014; Our Greatest Challenge]]>
PML N has always been conspiratorial in nature; as I said it does not give a flying F about Pakistan and its people, its agenda is simply to stay in power and steal money as fast as it can.

PTI needs to plan for the worst and hope for the best. PTI needs to stick to their own plan and must not behave in a reactive way anymore. This is a time to be proactive and firm.

I agree with Shimatoree Sahib, planning will be crucial for 14 August to be successful.

Any hint of concession or doubt from the top leadership will prove fatal; so they need to sit down and come up with a simple and clear party line.

It is a case of Berlin or bust!

Statistics: Posted by stingingnettle — Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:43 pm
